Buyer in the area of ​​eMobility procurement
Ingolstadt, Germany, Europe

The Procurement division is responsible for the cost-effective, timely and quality-based procurement of purchased parts and materials as well as software for our vehicles as well as vehicle-related and remote services.

The Commodity Connectivity, eMobility and Driver Assistance looks after assemblies in the areas of infotainment, electrification and driver assistance as well as the corresponding software in the vehicle from the new inquiry to the discontinuation of the product.
The focus of the eMobility department is on the electrification of the vehicle portfolio and includes all procurement activities from new contracts to project purchasing to the discontinuation control of HV battery and HV cell module components, as well as battery electronic components.
The eMobility department is also responsible for the procurement of charging management components, such as high-voltage converters or universal charging cables, as essential components of the electrified drive train. Analogous to the development of the entire automotive industry in relation to electromobility, the eMobility field of activity in procurement is also characterized by a high level of dynamism. Short development cycles in battery and cell technology as well as a supplier environment with new suppliers, most of whom originally come from consumer electronics business areas, lead to a broad spectrum of activities and the constant requirement to develop complex and new solutions depending on the situation – sometimes across departments – and to implement them within the existing processes.

We are looking for an expert with several years of experience and extensive knowledge in the field of eMobility and batteries to strengthen our team.
