Internship “Systems for clean and sustainable laser precision machining”
Fraunhofer IWS
Dresden, Germany, Europe
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025

The aim of your work is to work with us to develop , build and test systems for automated laser processes (e.g. integration of sensors for process monitoring and data evaluation to influence process control – preferably also with machine learning approaches) . Depending on your personal qualifications and interests, we will work with you to coordinate your specific tasks and work content before you begin your work. Contact us! Current tasks include: Integrate the laser beam source, processing optics and sensors into a new laser processing system. Implement the required mechanical and control interfaces and integrate all components into a common system control system. Configure camera-based measurement technology and integrate it into an existing test setup for laser processing of strip material. You develop and program the necessary image evaluation and control solution for the automated recognition of position information and for the qualitative evaluation of the processing results. The work content can be the basis for an accompanying or subsequent study project. By completing your student work at Fraunhofer IWS, you have the opportunity to become part of progress. You will actively participate in current research projects , establish contacts with well-known companies and thus ensure an innovative and sustainable working world in Germany.
