LSAT (Logistics Specification and Analysis Tool) is a tool that can be used to specify and analyze production systems. Systems are modeled in a lightweight way in terms of the system resources, the system behavior and timing characteristics. The tool provides various visualizations to explore the controlled system behavior. It also provides techniques to analyze and optimize system productivity. Currently, LSAT does not provide the possibility to model and analyze actions that need to happen just-in-time and need to conform to deadlines. You can specify that action A is followed by action B, but you cannot yet enforce that A should be delayed to ensure that it ends right before B starts. This means that currently, we cannot model and analyze situations like the pizzeria example. In this assignment we want to investigate how LSAT can be extended in this direction. We have two industrial use case domains (wafer handling and production printing) that require this extension, and that can be used to validate the solution.